Random ActS of
A random act of art is a concept created by Crystal A Edwards, and inspired by the “Random Act of Kindness” movement and by yarn bombing-type of art displays. It is an artwork displayed in a random, non-gallery (uncommon) location, and at a random time. While the time and the location is random, they can be predetermined. This artwork should be meaningful, temporal, and do no harm to its location or to others.
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
– Anne Herbert
Why perform a random act of art?
Performing a random act of art is a way to create a connection between yourself and others. It’s a tangible way to say, “I am here! I am living, not just surviving,” and it's a way to help and to encourage others to do the same.
How to perform a random act of art?
One way to perform a random act of art is to join a project like the “Redmond Bicycle Project.” Other ways include heading up your own community project like the “Redmond Bicycle Project,” or creating something such as a weather gram (a seasonal poem or other writing on a piece of craft paper) and with permission, placing it on a tree. As long as the artwork is meaningful, temporal, and does no harm to its location or to others, it is a random act of art.
Who can perform a random act of art?
Where to perform a random act of art?
Anywhere. Ideally, it is a location where people can happen upon it. If it is not a location that you own, please obtain permission from the property owner or appropriate authorities.